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Scheme of Service



Library Department

  • Senior Librarian 
  • Librarian
  • Senior Library Officer
  • Library Officer
  • Senior Library Clerk
  • Library Clerk
  • Senior Binder
  • Binder 
  • Senior Library Attendant
  • Library Attendant

Administration Department

  • Administrative Secretary
  • Confidential Secretary
  • Information, Research & Documentation Officer (Personal)
  • IT Officer/Systems Administrator
  • Office Supervisor
  • Management Support Officer
  • Clerk / Word Processing Operator
  • Telephone Operator / Receptionist
  • Driver / Office Attendant

Finance Department

  • Senior Accounts Officer
  • Accounts Officer
  • Accounts Clerk
  • Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

Post: Senior Librarian

Salary: Rs 40300 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 x 1650 – 54200 x 1700 – 64400 x 1800 – 69800 (NL 25)
By selection from among-
A.    Employees in the grade of Librarian at the National Library who reckon at least four years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade.
B.    Candidates who –
(i)    possess
(a)    a Cambridge Higher School Certificate or Passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level".
(b)    (i) a degree in Library and Information Science from a recognised institution OR
    (ii) degree in an academic field from a recognised institution together with a postgraduate           
      diploma in Library and Information Science from a recognised institution OR equivalent 
      qualifications to (a) and (b) above acceptable to the Board.
    (iii) are registered as Professional Librarian with the Mauritius Council of Registered Librarians 
       under Section 13 of Act No.4 of 2000;
    (iv) reckon at least four years' post qualification experience as Librarian; and
    (v) are computer literate

Qualification at (i)(a) above should have been obtained prior to qualification at (i)(b) above. However, candidates who, as at 30 June 2003, did not possess the qualification at (i)(a) above but who possess the qualification at (i)(b)(i) above will also be considered provided they hold - 
(a)    a Cambridge School Certificate or Passes obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" either (i) in five subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any two subjects or (ii) in six subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any one subject or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board; and
(b)    a Master's Degree or a postgraduate diploma from a recognised institution in the field at (i)(b)(i) above or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
Qualification at (a) under 'Note' should have been obtained prior to qualification at (i)(b)(i) above and at (b) under 'Note'.
    Candidates should produce written evidence of experience/knowledge claimed.
Roles and Responsibilities:
    To assist the Director in the day to day administration of the library services and to perform professional library duties.

1.    To be in charge of the Bibliographic/Acquisition service and of Public and Reference/Resources and Planning Unit.
2.    To control, co-ordinate and supervise the work of staff working under his responsibility.
3.    To make recommendations to the Director on budget, equipment, maintenance needs and other issues related to services provided by the National Library.
4.    To manage and participate in the development and implementation of goals and objectives, policies and procedures of the National Library.
5.    To plan, organise, and oversee the implementation and maintenance of automated library functions.
6.    To attend and participate in professional group meetings, stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of library services.
7.    To monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures.
8.    To compile bibliographies and catalogues.
9.    To classify and index library materials.
10.    To promote the use of library services by making presentations, preparing press releases, organising exhibitions and other related activities.
11.    To use ICT in the performance of his duties.
12.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Senior Librarian in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Librarian

Salary: Rs 28225 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 x 1650 – 54200 x 1700 – 62700 (NL 23)

Effective Date: 22 August 2019


A.    A Cambridge Higher School Certificate or passes in at least 2 subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level".
B.    A degree in Library and Information Science from a recognised institution or a degree in an academic field and a postgraduate diploma in Library and Information Science from a recognised institution.
    Equivalent qualifications to A and B above acceptable to the Board.
C.    At least three years' experience in Library Works.
D.    Candidates should be Registered Professional Librarian from the Mauritius Council of Registered Librarians.
E.    Candidate should be computer literate.
Qualification at A above should have been obtained prior to qualification at B above. Candidates should produce written evidence of any experience claimed.
Candidate should produce written evidence of any experience claimed.

1.    To assist the Senior Librarian and the Director in the day-to-day management of the various units of the Library Section.
2.    To control, co-ordinate and supervise the work of officers working under his responsibility.
3.    To advise on selection of library materials and equipment, stock development and use.
4.    To compile and maintain such relevant bibliographies or bibliographic databases and union catalogues.
5.    To assist users in their bibliographical research. 

6.    To attend to reference service and assist users.
7.    To ensure that the Audio-Visual Section is in good running condition.
8.    To handle technical services such as cataloguing, classifying, indexing and abstracting of library materials, including audio-visual materials. 

9.    To assist in the organisation of workshops, training courses, user-oriented extension and outreach activities.
10.    To use ICT in the performance of his duties and implement library and ICT projects.
11.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Librarian in the roles ascribed to him.

    Note: The Librarian may be required to work outside normal working hours.

Post: Senior Library Officer

Salary: Rs 29050 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 x 1650 – 54200 (NL 21)


    By promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of Library Officers reckoning at least four years' service in a substantive capacity in the grade and possessing:
I.    Knowledge of the organisation and management techniques of a library; and
II.    supervisory and communication skills.

1.    To order, organise and process library materials.
2.    To catalogue and classify library materials.
3.    To compile bibliographies.
4.    To input data into the computerised bibliographic database.
5.    To update the National Library's website.
6.    To assist in reference work and bibliographic search.
7.    To assist in the supervision and co-ordination of the work of subordinate staff.
8.    To assist in the organisation of workshops, seminars and outdoors activities.
9.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

    Note: The Senior Library Officer may be required to work outside working hours.

Post: Library Officer

Salary: Rs 21850 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 47675 (NL 19)
    By selection from among officers in the grade of Senior Library Clerk who-
(i)    Reckon an aggregate of 10 years' service in a substantive capacity in the grades of Senior Library Clerk and the former grade of Library Assistant; and
(ii)    Possess a diploma in Library and Information Science or a diploma in Information and Library Studies from a recognised institution o the "Certificat d'Aptitude aux Fonctions de Bibliothécaire" or the Higher Certificate in Librarianship and Information Science of Napier University or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the National Library.

In the absence of qualified serving officers, by selection from among candidates who-

(i)    Possess a diploma in Library and Information Science or a diploma in Information and Library Studies from a recognised institution or the "Certificat d'Aptitudes aux Fonctions de Bibliothécaire" or the Higher Certificate in Librarianship and Information Science of Napier University or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the National Library; and 
(ii)    are computer literate.
    Candidates should produce written evidence of knowledge claimed.

1.    To assist in the day-to-day running of the Library Section.
2.    To select, acquire, accession, classify, catalogue and index library materials.
3.    To be responsible for stock-taking, shelf-reading, stock-editing, arranging display and the development and weeding of library collection.
4.    To compile bibliographies and input data into the computerised bibliographic database.
5.    To maintain and keep up-to-date records, catalogues, indexes and specific files.
6.    To provide research assistance, reference and bibliographical services to readers.
7.    To provide assistance to the organisation of relevant activities.
8.    To use ICT in the performance of his duties.
9.    To search and retrieve information from electronic systems such as Internet, CD-ROMs and other electronic media.
10.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Library Officer in the roles ascribed to him.

    Note: The Library Officer may be required to work outside working hours.

Post: Senior Library Clerk

Salary: Rs 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 (NL 14)

    By promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of Officers reckoning at least four years' service in a substantive capacity in the grade of Library Clerk.

1.    To assist the Library Officer in the performance of library duties, including classification, cataloguing and indexing.
2.    To assist in reference work.
3.    To process library materials including books to be repaired.
4.    To assist in bibliographical work, through computerisation facilities.
5.    To carry out shelving and shelf listing of library materials on a regular basis.
6.    To supervise reading rooms and other sections of the National Library.
7.    To supervise the work of junior staff.
8.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

    Note: The Senior Library Clerk may be required to work outside working hours.

Post: Library Clerk

Salary: Rs 16785 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 34825 (NL 9)
A.    A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics/Principles of Accounts obtained on one certificate or a General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" with passes not below grade 'C' in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics/Principles of Accounts obtained on one certificate.

    Note: Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
B.    The Library and Information Assistant Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institution or the Certificate in Library and Information Studies from a recognised institution.
    Equivalent qualifications to A & B above acceptable to the Board.

1.    To assist in the performance of library duties, including classification, cataloguing and reference work.
2.    To process Library materials including books to be repaired.
3.    To carry out circulation duties.
4.    To carry out shelving and shelf listing of books on a regular basis.
5.    To supervise reading rooms and other sections of the National Library.
6.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

    Note: The Library Clerk may be required to work outside working hours.

Post: Senior Binder

Salary: Rs 20825 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 34825 (NL 10)

    By promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, from officers reckoning at least four years' service in a substantive capacity in the grade of Binder.

    Roles and Responsibilities:
    Must be able to work with a variety of machines, and, ensure that they are in good running condition.

1.    To plan, organise, supervise and control the work of Binders;
2.    To operate equipment in the Bindery Unit of the National Library;
3.    To perform binding, gilding, folding, punching, trimming, stitching and collating works.
4.    To bind books and other publications or finish products in hand or machine; and
5.    To perform other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from binders/senior binders in the roles ascribed to them.

Post: Binder

Salary: Rs 15745 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 28225 (NL 5)

A.    A Cambridge School Certificate or Passes obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Ordinary level" either (i) in five subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any two subjects or (ii) in six subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any one subject.
B.    The National Trade Certificate (Level 3) in Printing issued by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate and the Industrial Vocational Training Board.
    Equivalent qualifications to "A and B" above acceptable to the National Library Board.
    Experience in bookbinding work will be an advantage

1.    To do strong, case, flush and from-quarter-to-full binding as well as gilding, folding, punching, trimming, stitching and collating.
2.    To operate light industrial equipment found in the bindery.
3.    To make book cases for hardbound books.
4.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned. 

Post: Library Attendant

Salary: Rs 14725 x 250 – 15225 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 23950 (NL 2)

Effective date: 04 February 2016

    By selection from among candidates who possess a Cambridge School Certificate or have obtained passes on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" either (i) in five subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any two subjects or (ii) in six subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any one subject or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the National Library Board.

1.    To collect from and deposit the key of the Library to the nearest Police Station.
2.    To open and close the Library.
3.    To clean and maintain the Library and the premises including window panes, furniture, equipment and library materials.
4.    To run errands in connection with library work, answer telephone calls as and when required.
5.    To direct visitors.
6.    To keep watch over the Library and its premises during opening hours to maintain order and discipline.
7.    To assist in sorting and arranging library materials for shelving and to help Library staff in stock taking, write-off, and transfer of library materials, etc, whenever required.
8.    To prepare library stationery, book jackets, to process library materials for shelving and to help Library staff in storing and to doing minor book repairs.
9.    To report any burglary, theft or illegal entry or suspicious activities on and around the premises of the Library.
10.    To supervise the use of computers by users in Library.
11.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from Library Attendant in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Administrative Secretary

Salary: Rs 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 x 1650 – 54200 x 1700 – 62700 (NL 22)
A.    A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained on one Certificate or Passes not below Grade C in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained on one Certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level".

Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
B.    A Cambridge Higher School Certificate or passes in at least 2 subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level".
C.    A degree in Management or Business Administration from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
D.    Candidates should -
(i)    reckon at least three years' experience in administrative /managerial duties;
(ii)    possess good interpersonal and communication skills;
(iii)    have good verbal and written communication skills;
(iv)    possess a critical and analytical mind and have a multi-disciplinary approach to problem-solving; and
(v)    have potential and ability to command and lead others, to promote team work and exercise authority.
    Role and Responsibilities: 
    To provide administrative support to the Director in designing, formulating and implementing the policies of the organisation.

    To deal with administrative and personnel matters and prepare reports, as and when required.
    To handle matters having legal implications and assist in the administration of the Act and Regulations of the National Library.
    To act as Secretary to the Board and other committees set up by the Board, as and when required.
    To represent the National Library in negotiation with other organisations, departments, outside interests and members of the public.

    To assist in:
(a)    the implementation of policies with regard to the activities of the National Library;
(b)    the preparation of staff development programmes;
(c)    the promotion of staff welfare; and
(d)    to promote and participate actively in programmes aiming at enhancing organisational efficiency and effectiveness.
6    To ensure that the National Library obtains value for money in all its operations.
7    To use ICT in the performance of his duties.
8    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Administrative Secretary in the roles ascribed to him.

    Note: The Administrative Assistant may be required to work outside normal working hours.

Post: Confidential Secretary

Salary: Rs21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 43500 (NL 16)

Effective Date: 22nd March 2024
Qualifications: By selection from among public officers in the grades of – 

(i) Senior Word Processing Operator; and
(ii) Word Processing Operator

who – 

(a) reckon at least 10 years’ service in a substantive capacity in the Cadre;
(b) possess a Certificate in Word Processing from a recognised institution;
(c)  are fluent in English and French;
(d) have shown qualities of trustworthiness, discretion, maturity, tact and initiative;
(e) are capable of dealing efficiently with members of the public; and
(f)  are able to work under pressure

NOTE: Confidential Secretaries may be required to follow training, as and when required, to equip them to perform their tasks.

1.    To arrange appointments for the Director, receive visitors and deal with enquiries.
2.    To make telephone calls and screen incoming calls and visitors and determine the course of action required for satisfactory disposition.
3.    To take messages and facilitate the process of communication between the relevant stakeholders.
4.    To perform general secretarial duties including the taking of notes, typing, classification and retrieval of records and documents.
5.    To perform word processing and telex/telefax duties and simple computer/data processing work and operate e-mail services.
6.    To keep track of important documents, papers and make them available expeditiously.
7.    To prioritise work on a daily basis and to be responsible for ensuring that deadlines are met and appointments honoured.
8.    To handle confidential files and perform all typing works of confidential nature.
9.    To ensure that meetings are well organised and take place in time and appropriate information is made available.
10.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from Confidential Secretaries in the roles ascribed to ascribed to him.

Note: Confidential Secretaries may be required to work outside normal working hours.

Post: IT Officer/Systems Administrator

Salary: Rs 28225 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 x 1650 – 54200 x 1700 – 62700 (NL 23)

A.    A degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Systems or Information Technology or Software Engineering or any degree, the major part of which should be Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Systems or Information Technology or Software Engineering from a recognised institution OR an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
B.    At least 3 years' post-qualification experience in the field of Information Technology, including database/systems/network administration.

    Roles and Responsibilities:
    To be responsible to the Director for the day to day running of the IT Section and the coordination of all activities with other departments/sections.

1.    To be responsible to the Director for - 
(a)    the management of the Computer Systems of the National Library;
(b)    the physical and Logical/Logistics security aspects of the computer systems; and
(c)    database, system and network administration and management area.
2.    To assess the hardware and software requirements of the National Library.
3.    To liaise with consulting firms dealing with the computer systems of the National Library.
4.    To prepare specifications for acquisition of hardware and software and analyse and evaluate proposals from suppliers.
5.    To identify IT training needs, coordinate training activities as well as provide training.
6.    To supervise officers working in the IT section.
7.    To administer and track problems on databases and servers.
8.    To perform quality assurance on computer systems.
9.    To update and maintain the National Library Website.
10.    To provide expert technical guidance and advice regarding management of data networks, desktop, database and network technologies.
11.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the IT Officer/Systems Administrator in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Information, Research & Documentation Officer (Personal)

Salary: Rs 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 43500 (NL 17) (Personal)

Effective Date: 22 August 2019

A.    By appointment of the Information, Research & Documentation Officer on the establishment of the            former Small and Medium Enterprise and Development Authority (SMEDA), who has been redeployed to the National Library.
    Roles and Responsibilities: To be responsible for the proper running of the IT equipment and management of the Computer Systems of the National Library.

1.    To promote IT Culture through training programmes and induction courses.
2.    To administer the databases and servers
3.    To assess the software and hardware requirements of the National Library and to promote ICT.
4.    To assess in the organisation of seminars, conferences and other activities.
5.    To develop and maintain multimedia products and websites.
6.    To provide technical guidance and advice regarding management of data networks and technologies.
7.    To administer the archival and dissemination of digital materials of the National Library.
8.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the 
output and results expected from the Information, Research & Documentation Officer in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Office Supervisor

Salary: Rs 22625 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 39350 (NL 15)

    By selection from among officers in the grade of Clerk/Word Processing Operator reckoning at least 10 years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade and possessing:
(i)    knowledge of work procedures in the organisation;
(ii)    ability and initiative in problem solving;
(iii)    organising and supervisory skills.
    Note: In the absence of suitable candidates, selection will be made from among officers in the grades of Clerk/Word Processing Operator and Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer in the Public Sector reckoning at least 10 years’ experience in clerical duties and possessing:
    knowledge of work procedures in the public sector;
    ability and initiative in problem solving;
    organising and supervisory skills.

1.    To be responsible for the proper running of small sections, including the Registry.
2.    To monitor the use of National Library's vehicles and to Organise transport for official purposes.
3.    To attend to queries from members of the public and to provide them with relevant information.
4.    To ensure that the work place is kept clean and tidy and that health and safety norms are observed.
5.    To supervise, advise and guide junior staff.

6.    To assist in:
(a)    the organisation of official functions and welfare activities;
(b)    the provision of proper office accommodation, furniture and equipment and their proper maintenance.
7.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

Post: Management Support Officer

Salary: Rs 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 (NL 12)

A.    By selection from among officers on the establishment of the National Library who hold a substantive appointment in the grade of Clerk/Word Processing Operator.
B.    Candidates should - 
(i)    possess good communication skills;
(ii)    have a positive attitude towards work;
(iii)    have a general knowledge of national and international issues; and
(iv)    be computer literate.
    Candidates should produce written evidence of knowledge claimed.

1.    To prepare, scrutinise and process documents/cases;
2.    To type and collate general office correspondence and documents according to competencies;
3.    To maintain files, forms, reports and other materials;
4.    To receive, sort and process mail and to prepare materials for mailing;
5.    To photocopy reports and other documents and operate standard office equipment such as telefax machine;
6.    To carry out word processing and data entry and to update information in a computer system.
7.    To carry out registry, simple finance, human resource and procurement and supply duties, under supervision;
8.    To assist in administrative duties within the organisation and to provide general support to operational services;
9.    To draft replies to simple correspondence;
10.    To operate e-mail services, as and when required;
11.    To effect simple research on matters pertaining to the organisation, as and when required;
12.    To keep records regarding documents, reports, minutes of proceedings of the National Library and to assist users by providing relevant information, whenever required;
13.    To assist in duties relating to committees, organisation of official functions, training programmes and other activities;
14.    To use ICT in the performance of his duties; and
15.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Management Support Officer in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Clerk / Word Processing Operator

Salary: Rs 16785 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 34825 (NL 9)

A.    (i) A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language, 
     French and Mathematics/Principles of Accounts obtained at not more than two sittings or
    (ii) Passes not below grade C in at least five subjects including English Language, French and 
      Mathematics/Principles of Accounts obtained at not more than two sittings at the General Certificate 
      of Education "Ordinary Level" provided that at one of the sittings, passes have been obtained either 
      (a) in five subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any two subjects or (b) in six 
      subjects including English Language with at least Grade C in any one subject.
    Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
B.    A Cambridge Higher School Certificate or Passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education 'Advanced Level'
    Equivalent qualifications to A and B acceptable to the Board.
C.    A Certificate in keyboarding or typewriting with a speed of at least 25 words a minute from a recognised institution.
D.    A Certificate in Word Processing or Data Processing from a recognised institution.
E.    Candidates should -
(i)    possess good communication skills; and
(ii)    have a positive attitude towards work.
    Qualification at A above should have been obtained prior to qualification B above.
    Candidates should produce written evidence of knowledge claimed.

    Note 1:
    Candidates not possessing qualification at C above will also be considered provided they can type/operate a keyboard efficiently at a speed of at least 25 words a minute. They will be required to undergo a test arranged by the National Library.

    Note 2:
    Candidates not possessing qualification at D above will also be considered provided they can operate a computer and make use of word processing and data processing packages. They will be required to undergo a test arranged by the National Library.

1.    To perform clerical and word processing duties including inter-alia:
(i)    The preparation, scrutiny and processing of documents, records and data entry;
(ii)    Registry work;
(iii)    Simple finance, human resources and stores duties under supervision; and
(iv)    Drafting replies to simple correspondence.
2.    To type and collate letters / documents.
3.    To perform word processing duties and computer / data processing work.
4.    To maintain files or correspondence, forms, reports and other materials.
5.    To receive, sort and process mail and to prepare materials for mailing.
6.    To photocopy reports and other documents and operate standard office machines, e-mail services and carry out secretarial duties, as and when required.
7.    To keep records regarding documents, books and magazines of the National Library and assisting users by providing relevant information, whenever required.
8.    To carry out simple research work in connection with official documents.
9.    To prepare simple documents subject to check.
10.    To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from Clerk/Word Processing Operator in the roles ascribed to him.

Post: Telephone Operator / Receptionist

Salary: Rs 15225 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 29875 (NL 6)

A.    A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least English Language and French obtained on one certificate or Passes in at least five subjects and with at least Grade C in English Language and French obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" OR an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

    Note: Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
B.    A pleasant personality and a neat appearance.
C.    Fluency in English and French.

1.    To operate the reception counter of the National Library.
2.    To maintain a register of all visitors.
3.    To assist visitors by providing information to them to facilitate their contact with officers of the National Library.
4.    To control access to offices of the National Library.
5.    To take messages from outside callers and transmit same to officers concerned.
6.    To operate the telephone switchboard (PABX).
7.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

Post:  Driver / Office Attendant

Salary: Rs 15485 x 260 – 17825 x 275 – 18925 x 300 – 19525 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 (NL 4)

A.    A Certificate of Primary Education.
B.    A valid driving licence to drive cars or vans or minibuses or lorries up to 5 tons.
C.    A basic knowledge of mechanics and simple vehicle maintenance.
D.    A good eyesight.

1.    To drive the National Library's vehicles for the conveyance of staff and officials, materials and equipment in connection with the activities of the organisation.
2.    To carry out simple maintenance tasks including:
(a)    checking of radiator and filling up with water, if necessary;
(b)    checking of engine oil-pump and topping up, if necessary;
(c)    testing and cleaning fuel pump and carburettor;
(d)    checking brake and clutch, master cylinders and topping up, if necessary;
(e)    checking wheel nuts for wheel tightness including spare wheel;
(f)    reporting any defect to responsible officer;
(g)    cleaning and preventive servicing of the vehicle under his responsibility;
(h)    topping up of battery;
(i)    keeping fuel lines free of dirt and water;
(j)    ensuring regular servicing of vehicle.

3.    To attend to minor repairs such as cleaning of spark plugs, replacing of fuse or bulb, changing of tyres and making arrangements for mending of punctures in the event of breakdown on the road.

4.    To keep a log book.

5.    To perform messengerial duties such as:
(a)    running errands;
(b)    dispatch of correspondence;
(c)    distribution of files and documents as and when required;
(d)    photocopying of documents, press cuttings, circulars and other papers;
(e)    attending the reception counter, directing visitors and keeping Visitor's Book;
(f)    opening and closing the Library.

6.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

    Note: Office Attendant/Drivers may be required to work outside working hours.

Post: Senior Accounts Officer

Salary: Rs 30700 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 46100 x 1575 – 49250 (NL 20)

    By promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of employees in the grade of Accounts Officer reckoning at least two years' service in a substantive capacity in the grade and who possess:
A.    A Cambridge Higher School Certificate or Passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level" or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
B.    Either
(i)    the Diploma in Public Sector Financial Management and Accounting from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
(ii)    Successfully completed Part I and obtained passes in at least one subject at Part II of the ACCA Exams or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.
    The Certificate of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Accounting (Level3) formerly Higher Stage or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

    Note: For the first intake, consideration will be given to the Accounts Officer in post as at 30 June 2003 who possesses any of the qualification at B above although he does not possess the qualification at A.

1.    To take charge of a sub-section within the Finance Department.
2.    To maintain and update proper accounting records of all financial transactions and to guard against irregularity and fraud.
3.    To prepare Final Accounts and financial statements/returns as and when required.
4.    To prepare schedules and analysis of expenditure.
5.    To examine payments and claims.
6.    To supervise the work of the subordinate staff.
7.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

Post: Accounts Officer

Salary: Rs 24475 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 x 950 – 42200 x 1300 – 43500 (NL 18)

A.    A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics/Principles of Accounts or a General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" with passes not below grade 'C' in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics/Principles of Accounts.
B.    Note: Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
    A pass in Accounting at Third Level of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
    Equivalent qualifications to A and B above acceptable to the Board.

1.    To compile schedules and information required for the preparation of statutory reports, annual estimates and final accounts.
2.    To maintain accounting records such as cash flow budgets and financial forecasts.
3.    To review reconciliation and ensure smooth follow-up of outstanding items i.e. bank reconciliation statement, prompt banking and payment.
4.    To prepare payroll and examine vouchers before payments.
5.    To verify all accounting statements produced for statutory purpose and management.
6.    To report on all internal audit matters and deficiencies and to propose remedial action.
7.    To ensure proper safeguard and banking of revenue collected.
8.    To monitor allocated budget for each item.
9.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

Post : Accounts Clerk

Salary: Rs 19850 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 (NL 13)

A.    A Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained on one certificate or a General Certificate of Education "Ordinary Level" with at least Grade 'C' in at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained on one certificate.
    Note: Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided they possess passes in at least two subjects at "Principal Level" and one subject at "Subsidiary Level" as well as the General Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Examinations.
B.    A certificate in Book-Keeping at Intermediate Level from the London Chamber of Commerce.
    Equivalent qualifications to A and B acceptable to the National Library Board.

1.    To collect, verify, analyse and record all financial costing and budget data and prepare financial statements.
2.    To prepare pay sheets, vouchers and cheques for signature.
3.    To dispatch cheques.
4.    To carry out stock verification as instructed.
5.    To keep proper, complete and up to date records of all financial transactions such as cash books, ledgers and registers.
6.    To deal with bookings for transports and to control the maintenance of vehicles.
7.    To attend to banking transactions.
8.    To assist in the preparation of returns.
9.    To perform such cognate duties as may be assigned.

Post: Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

Salary: Rs 19850 x 325 – 21475 x 375 – 22225 x 400 – 23425 x 525 – 26050 x 675 – 27400 x 825 – 35650 x 900 – 37450 (NL 13)

Effective date : 30th May 2024

A.   By selection from among officers in the grade of Clerical Officer, Clerical/Higher Clerical Officer and Clerk/Word Processing Operator on the establishment of the National Library who-
(i) Possess a Cambridge Higher School certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level" or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board of the National Library; and
(ii) reckon at least four years' service in a substantive capacity in their respective grade.

In the absence of qualified serving officers on the establishment of the National Library, by selection from among officers in the Public Sector who -
(i) Possess a Cambridge Higher School certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education "Advanced Level" or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board of the National Library; and
(ii) reckon at least four years' service in a substantive capacity in their respective grade.

Candidates should also -
(i) have a good knowledge of policies, rules and regulations relating to the management of procurement and supply at the National Library;
(ii) possess effective analytical and problem solving skills; and
(iii) possess effective interpersonal and communication skills.

1. To perform procurement and supply, warehouse and stock control operations and maintain updated records of transactions in compliance with the provisions laid down in the Financial Management Kit and regulations made under the Public Procurement Act 2006 and other regulations in force, as appropriate.
2. To assist in the assignment related to procurement and supply, warehouse and stock control operation.
3. To operate e-procurement and inventory management systems.
4. To assist the officier of the Procurement and Supply Cadre in charge of the day-to-day conduct of procurement and supply, warehouse and stock control operations.
5. To use ICT int he performance of his duties.
6. To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Assistance Procurement and Supply Officer in the roles ascribed to him.

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